The Community Empowerment through AI (ComeAI) Ecosystem
Prism Institute has developed ComeAI, a knowledge centric community empowerment ecosystem that helps marginalized communities sustainably manage their human capital, natural, economic, and socio-cultural assets at significant risk from climate change and other factors to improve their overall well-being.The ComeAI Ecosystem consists of three modules:

ComeAI Hub
The ComeAI Hub provides youth in communities with a data and risk analytics tool, capacity and skills to become data stewards for development.
Tackling global challenges related to individual and community well-being such as poverty, food security, health and housing security in line with sustainable development goals.
Using an integrated-risk approach users can determine barriers and prioritize risks for the achievement of sustainable development goals.
The user interface allows the input of community beliefs and conditions, relating to risk factors combined with climate factors to provide a micro level risk assessment tailored to the distinct local circumstances.
The approach generates clear metrics which allow stakeholders to monitor and communicate the performance of interventions and investments.
Contrasting climate adjusted risk scores provides stakeholders an effective tool for scenario comparison.
ComeAI Collective
Using traditional models for Cooperatives such as those run by credit unions, farmers or women’s self-help groups, the ComeAI Collective involves the provision of necessary tools and knowledge for the communities to establish leadership and governance especially involving youth.
ComeAI Partnership
The ComeAI Partnership module helps communities identify, engage and negotiate with partners and investors to implement result oriented and innovative interventions.
We are currently testing the ComeAI ecosystem in India and Africa across marginalized and indigenous communities with early success.
Organizations and individuals interested in knowing more or supporting the initiative, please reach out to
Mother of Perpetual Help Foundation